Saturday, July 12, 2008

The ride home...

...was not nearly as smooth as the ride in. In fact, I felt a bit traumatized. I get to my bus stop and I see my 61 C, so I jump on it. It's great, not crowded, I have my own seat again. I'm just chilling, listening to my iPod telling myself how easy this was! Then, I notice the bus driver telling us something, so I take one ear piece out and hear him saying something about getting off in Homestead. I think "well, I don't get off there" and back in went my ear bud. Then, he turns off of the road he should be taking and EVERYONE gets off. So I start to worry...I go up and we have this conversation:
ME: Is there a reason everyone is getting off of the bus?
DRIVER: Yeah, this is my last stop.
ME: (with deer in headlights look): WHA?!? What do I do? How do I get to my car? I'm parked blanked out)....the Duquesne Park and Ride....WHAT DO I DO???
DRIVER: There's another bus, he should be at the corner shortly, if you head up now you can catch it.
ME: It's a 61C, right?

So, I step off of the bus, and honestly, if I didn't have to dart through traffic like Frogger, I know that I would have just stood on the street corner in Homestead and cried. I know it was broad daylight and there was tons of traffic, but I was overwhelmingly frightened that I was alone on the street in Homestead. I catch the REAL 61C (perhaps Pat should call the other one, something 61C and a half!) and it's jam packed with all kinds of scaries. I have to stand. And I'm totally paranoid that this bus is also going to bypass my stop. Eventually, we got close enough to my stop that I was scared not to get out, knowing that at least from there I could walk a block or so to my car. I may have to reevaluate where I park and ride. Saving the $13 a month on parking and whatever it is I save in gas, is not worth feeling the way I felt on that bus ride home.

The good news is because of Walt's surgery, I'm off this coming week, so I get a 2 week reprieve from any more bus traumas. :)

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I promise you'll get used to the bus system. I became an avid rider during law school & when working downtown, but the first few times were not fun. Good luck :)