Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Church funny

During the service at my church, the pastor asks if anyone has any prayer joys or concerns. You raise your hand and tell your joy/concern and then the congregation will include you or your loved ones in their prayers. The day before Walt's surgery, I raised my hand and asked everyone to pray for Walt during his surgery. As soon as I finished, Noah's little hand shot up in the air and he says really loudly "I get rashes!" He had a mystery rash (that even the doctor didn't know what it was!) and I guess he wanted to make sure that everyone prayed for his rash. It must have worked, because the next day, the rash was just about gone.


Emmy said...

LOL-I bet he felt better after getting that out in the open!

Cara said...

OMG - i sooo have to meet noah sometime! he cracks me up!