Thursday, May 27, 2010

Happy Birthday to Noah!

So as of my last post I had all of these great ideas of posts to remember Noah through his 5 years. Then, the students that I work with kind of went mad last week and all hell broke lose at work. The blog posts that filled my mind, were swept away by arguments over water coolers and electives. (But that's a story for the book I'm going to write about working with graduate students some day!)

Anyway, today's Noah's birthday! And when he woke up I told him that he now fills up a whole hand's worth of fingers, and I asked him if he felt different. He looked at himself and said "yeah, I kinda do!"

I can't believe 5 years has gone by so quickly. Five years ago at this time (1:06pm), I was happily enjoying my epidural and Walt was telling everyone "Any minute now!!!", meanwhile Noah wasn't born until 9:31pm. I am so blessed to have him in my life and am so lucky to be his mom. He's taught me a lot - and you wouldn't believe all of the things I've learned about animals in 5 years. Did you know that sloths only leave the trees to go to the bathroom? Now you do!

I'll leave you with a "then" picture - here he is, just after he was born. My how he's grown!

Monday, May 17, 2010

10 days

In 10 days Noah will be 5. Can you believe it? Because I can't! It hasn't been that long and yet he's changed so much. In 5 short years he's gone from a tiny baby who needed me to do everything for him, to a toddler hobbling around on fresh legs and saying mama for the first time, to a little boy who can say and write his ABC's, can do basic math and carry on a decent conversation. It's amazing what a transformation they go through in such a short time.

So I decided that over the next 10 days I'll do some reminiscing of Noah in the last 5 years. Remembering all of the things he's learned and also, all of the things that he's taught me. As his parents, Walt and I guide him and teach him a lot of things...but one thing I didn't really know until I became a mother is how much children teach us. One of the best things I've learned, is how to see the world fresh again. Once I grew up, things like lightening bugs and a deer in the yard weren't things that could excite me anymore. But, seeing these things through Noah's eyes has made me slow down and remember it's the simple things in life that matter the most.

Just a few months ago, we were driving somewhere and crossing a bridge. Noah sighed from the backseat "Isn't the world just beautiful?" And it was that moment, when I looked at the river, which was so still it looked like glass, at the trees that were all shades of orange and yellow and red, and I realized how right he was. So I said "Yes! You are so right! The world is beautiful". And we spent the rest of that drive naming things in nature that are beautiful. So today is the kickoff to 10 days of remembering things that Noah said.