Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The 4 year old animal activist

I think if you're one of the readers of our blog, you know by now that Noah likes animals. A lot. In fact, I have learned more about some wild animals in the past 2 years than the rest of my life. I've also learned all kinds of new and obscure animals. (Can you pick out an Okapi or a Tapir?) This is a story about how no matter how big or small (or even if it has vertebrae), Noah loves them all. It's a story about worms.

Walt is a big fisherman. And of course, he wants to share his hobby with Noah. He got him his own pole last year and they've been practicing casting. (Noah is actually really good - much better than me....but I only ever went with Walt when we were dating...you know, because that's the kind of thing girlfriends do. And wives say "eh, I'll stay home and read!") A few weeks ago, Walt planned to take Noah fishing one sunny afternoon. A few days before he had gone out on his own to the river, and had bought worms. He took the leftover worms with them fishing.

They get to the pond and Walt proceeds to get out a worm, cut it in half, and put it on the hook. Much to Noah's horror! He said to Walt "SHAME on you, Daddy!!!" He was appalled that not only did Walt kill the worm, make him bloody, but he was also going to feed him to the trout. He made Walt promise that this would be the last worm that went to a watery grave, and instead they brought them home and set them free in our garden. It was the first thing he told me when they got home! (All about Walt, the worm killer!)

I figure at this rate, he'll be vegetarian by the time he's 5...and he'll be throwing cans of red paint on fur coats at the ripe old age of 7.


Amanda said...

I am a worm lover too :o) Finally, i am not the only one!

Ben and Cori Momma said...

Another worm lover here too! When it rains and I see them struggling on the sidewalk, I have to stop to put them in the dirt part of some grass (and in the shade of course!)... glad I have good company in Noah! Adorable story!

Life with Pog & FLeC said...

Noah is so cute! We had a big toad by the front door after all the rain. I am not a huge fan. If only you lived closer, Noah could have gotten it and taken it to your house. :) I asked someone else to move it for me... and before Reagan ate it.