Thursday, October 8, 2009

Soccer and The Olive Garden

It's been a while...I know I've been saying that a lot lately. But, now that things at work have slowed down and I'm going to be on maternity leave any day now, (Hear that "Nemo"?...ANY DAY NOW!! ) so I'm going to try to be a better blogger.

Noah started playing soccer in late August. I can't even tell you how cute a bunch of 4 and 5 year olds running around chasing a ball in their shin guards is. They all crowd around the ball and just run and kick - it's awesome. I do see some improvement each week, and last week, Noah even scored a goal. Of course, it was in the OTHER team's goal, but still!

There he is putting on his best "pirate" face. And another just taking a "water break". He says that's his favorite part.
And, I will end with a conversation that he had with my parents. They were out to eat together...I will call my parents "Ma & Pa" because that is what he calls them. (Don't ask!)
Pa: Oh, don't forget I have that Olive Garden gift card to use.
Noah: Oh!! I want to go there! Tell Momma and we can all go there for dinner tomorrow!
Ma: Well, we're out to eat tonight, we can't eat out two nights in a row.
Noah: But, I REALLY want to go to Olive Garden!
Pa: And what would you get to eat at Olive Garden?
Noah: (with that "duh" look already perfected at the age of 4) Black Olives!
Somehow I think he'll be quite disappointed when we go to the Olive Garden and it's not just a giant olive buffet. :P (If you can't tell black olives are one of his favorite foods)

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