Friday, November 21, 2008

It's been a while...

I have been lacking in my blogging duties lately. But, we've suffered several illnesses at our home the past few weeks. Last week on Wednesday, Noah woke up screaming at 4 am. He was inconsolable - we finally got it out of him that his ear hurt. Got him in to the doctor's and he had a pretty bad ear infection. So we get him all healed from that -- on Sunday he woke up from his nap and on his way down the stairs he puked all over the place. Fun times! He had a nasty 24 hour bug. I *think* we're all healthy now, and I hope that we got all of the cold and flu season illnesses out of the way. I'm sure this is wishful thinking considering that Noah's in pre-school now, so he's around a whole new set of kids, with a whole new set of germs.
He is back to his usual funny self. These are a few conversations we've had over the past few weeks:

Walt was watching the Steelers game, and the announcers tell us that Ben has called a time out. Noah's eyes get as big as saucers and he says "WHY did Big Ben have to get a time out???" Walt told him it's because he holds on to the ball too long. It's funny what the words "time out" mean to a 3 year old. (And we don't even do time outs at home!)

During dinner one night this week, I told Walt that we should scrap our plans for Light Up Night because of the weather. I told him maybe we could do some Christmas shopping and maybe we'd have dinner and just have an evening. Noah says "I want an evening with Momma!" Then, he comes over and gets really close to me and whispers, "Momma, what's an evening?" My parents are going to watch him for us tonight and take him to dinner. My mom told me to tell him that the three of them are going to have an "evening"!

1 comment:

Life with Pog & FLeC said...

I just can't get over how sweet he is!