Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Christmas Morning!

The longest night of the year (Christmas Eve) was finally over. At 5:45 am, I heard Noah rustling in his bed, and caught him as he started to climb down the stairs. First, we checked out the kitchen, and Santa had been there! He left all kinds of cookie crumbs on the plate and drank his nice warm coffee.

See the amazement on his face? Santa came! And he left tons of wonderful presents. Noah got an mp3 player, some toy horses, play doh, a remote control truck and some board games. The most favorite toy from Santa were the horses. Santa could have saved himself a lot of time and money, and just gone for the horses. But, he's a generous guy!

Mommy and Daddy must have been good this year, too...because they got a Wii! Santa doesn't wrap the gifts that he leaves for Noah, (he's too busy for wrapping!) but he did wrap Guitar Hero that he left for all of us. Walt is now a Guitar Hero addict...me, I'm getting better, but don't know if I'll ever graduate from the "easy" setting! We also got Big Brain Academy (Walt is ahead of me by a measly 75 points...I will beat him!), Wii Fit (I love it, even though it insults me and tells me in so many words that I'm fat), and Raymon's Raving Rabbids (so far, I think I'm too old to figure out how to play this one!).

Later in the day, after we played with all of the toys, we headed to Walt's parents' house for more ham and presents. It was a whirlwind couple of weeks, but I think it may be one of my most memorable Christmases ever.

I hope all of you had a wonderful holiday season, and I'm wishing you many good things to come in 2009!


Maria said...

I love the surprised look on his face - how awesome! BTW - Owen had the same Christmas PJ's!

Emmy said...

I just got all caught up...the first picture of Noah's shocked expression is classic!!

I was also too old to figure out the Raving Rabbids game, I'm terrible at it!! we've had big brain for a year & for the life of me, I cannot get better than a C-.

It looks like you guys had an awesome Christmas!! :)

Ben and Cori Momma said...

Love all the pictures, but the one of his "surprised" look is the best! LOL Happy new year!!

Donna said...

Love the first picture. What a great expression.

I'm right there with you on Guitar Hero. My pinky just won't cooperate to do the blue note, so I'm stuck on easy as well.

Good luck in your quest to beat Walt at Big Brain. While I'm no slouch, compared to Isaac I could probably be classified at stupid, he totally kicks my butt at that. (I think he is something like 300 points ahead of me, if you take all of my individual bests and add them together that is.)

Lisa said...

Great pictures. We've gotten a different version of Guitar Hero for Christmas each year for the past 3 or 4 years, and I still haven't graduated from the easy setting. AND, I get what I call Guitar Hero claw after a couple songs and I need to take a break before I can play again, Hopefully, you'll do better than me at it :)