Friday, November 7, 2008

Happy Halloween!

I'm a little behind, and I have a few things I want to blog about. But, we'll start at the beginning. Last Friday was Halloween, and Noah had his first school party. Walt and I volunteered to help out at the party, which was a lot of fun. Although Noah was really grumpy that morning, and while he did get better as the day went on, he was super clingy with us. Wouldn't go play, didn't want to sit in circle time. I almost felt like maybe he'd have had a better time if we weren't there!

The party was wonderful. His teacher, Miss Trudy, organized a few games in the classroom - like pin the nose on the Jack-o-Lantern, bean bag toss, and scooping ping pong balls out of a tub of water. We then went to the "big room" at his school, and all of the kids decorated their own sugar cookie (and they were saved for dessert after lunch), they were taken on wagon rides around the school, and another bean bag toss. I had a lot of fun helping the kids decorate their sugar cookies - oh the creations! I also enjoyed meeting and getting to know all of the kids in Noah's class. Then, the school paraded around the block in their costumes. It was like cuteness overload.

Here he is with his girlfriend, Olivia. He's known her since they were babies. And during the parade, he kept holding her hand and telling her she looked "pretty". AW!

Thankfully, the party wore him out and he took an excellent nap, so he was raring to go when trick-or-treat time came around. He and Walt just went on our street for about an hour, I stayed home to give out treats to the other goblins. Noah thought trick-or-treating was most excellent, in fact, the rest of the weekend, he'd go around the house with his plastic pumpkin, trick or treating. And I'd have to drop something in to the bucket. He keeps asking when he can trick or treat again. Thankfully, it only happens once a year. We have more candy in our house than a candy store!

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