Tuesday, September 9, 2008

One Liners

Sometimes some of the funny things Noah says are just quick little one liners. Here are a few from the past few days.

On Saturday we picked my mom up and I told Noah to show her his new shoes. So she checks them out and says "wow! Those are really nice shoes!" To which Noah replied "Thanks! My mom bought me TWO!" I know, what a great mom I am, buying my kid two shoes. HA!

Last night after we put him in bed, we hear him starting down the stairs. Of course, he says he has to poop. (That's his excuse to get out of anything, because he knows we'll stop whatever and take him to try to poop...potty training - the bane of my existance!) Anyway, he goes in and doesn't go. (Because he really didn't have to, it was just a ploy to get out of bed one more time). So he walks over to me to kiss me again and says "I didn't poopy. I think I just had a little gas in my driveway". I can't even type that without laughing! I have no idea where he came up with that. But, of course, since last evening, that is now the new saying around our house!
I thought the picture above was rather fitting, seeing that he's in our driveway.


Unknown said...

Ok, that's the new saying in THIS house now! LOL. Seriously, that may have been one of the funniest kid sayings ever!

Lisa said...

Too cute!

Emmy said...

LOL-I love his one liners!!