Friday, August 29, 2008

Somebody Doesn't Like the Classics

There are people that can quote movies to fit any situation. I am not one of them...although I always wished I was. (I can quote Revenge of the Nerds and Jaws 3 - not exactly something to brag about!) So, I was pleasantly surprised the other day when Noah asked us to sing "Name-o" (what he calls BINGO) for the one millionth time that car trip and Walt said "No! I can't sing it again!", and Noah busts out with "Somebody doesn't like the classics!" If you aren't familiar with this line, it's from Ice Age 2...which we have watched almost as many times as we sang Name-O during that car trip. I couldn't believe not only was he quoting a movie -- but he used it in the right context! (He's so smart!)
He's also used "I laugh in the face of danger" from the Lion King. And "Sometimes I throw up", also from Ice Age. Perhaps we should get some new movies? :)
So, I hope he continues and he's one of those people that can say the funny line from a popular movie at just the right moment. (And not be like me, who's only movie quote goes something like "Overman was found inside the park, the baby was found inside the park, it's MOTHER is inside the park!" from Jaws 3, thank you very much!)
On a different note - we are heading to see the Clarks tonight and to the Eye-dee-airy (if you don't speak Noah, that's the Aviary) tomorrow, so I hope to have a few new posts from those trips.


Unknown said...

LOL..surely Noah's lines from the movies will woo Amelia to no end:)

Oh, and at the Aviary, spring for the nectar cups when you go to see the Lorikeets. I know you hate birds, so make Walt hold the nectar. It's fun. Their birds of flight outdoor performance is fun, too! Have a nice weekend!

Donna said...

That's too cute!

Let me just say, you probably don't really want him to be able to give a quote at anytime. Isaac is that way. Sometimes it annoys me really bad. Every time you turn around here's a new quote. I just love when we are watching something and he'll say hey that song was in this movie (but he won't know that it was actually a song that was made before it was in a movie...) That's what you get for being married to someone whose family has owned movie theatres for almost 60 years.

Make sure to get him to watch lots of movies you like so they're good quotes. :-)

Lisa said...

Too cute. I wish I had Noah's talent to bust out lines like that at the right time. I hope you had fun at the aviary this weekend!

Life with Pog & FLeC said...

That's so adorable. hee hee. Noah is so smart.